Untitled Series #1
This series of black and white photos was an exploration in narrative building through photography. There are 6 photos in total, shot with a stark contrast and uncertain imagery. In the first image we see a man putting on a clock, the second image is the man forging a sword, the third is of a crown, the fourth is the man putting on the crown, the fifth is of the man looking around after he has dawned the crown, and the last image is of the man holding his sword with his head hanging in sorrow. These photos are not entirely direct with their message, as was intended. The images have their version of truth with me: A man leaves behind his life in search of greater power to stop people from hurting him, in the end the man finds his new power to be worthless in the face of the destruction he wrought to achieve it. However, other people have their own interpretations on first glance. This series was an exploration of leaving the story intentionally vague so the viewer could have their own interaction with the piece. The other exploration of this piece is theater, the drama of story telling within imagery. Dramatic lighting, sword and crown imagery, all play a role that give this Shakespearean feel to it, drawing on the drama of theater.