The Logo

Logo Design
Electra Heart is a popular 2012 album released by MARINA. This album is known for taking key feature of the fantasy that we build Hollywood up to be, following tropes of Marylin Monroe and the movie stars of a similar time. The logo uses the signature font of the album, Cooper Black, and Segoe UI by Microsoft. The classic font comes together with a modern font.

Promotional Poster
The I made for the exhibition calls back to a fan movement after the Electra Heart era was complete and the character of
Electra passed away by committing suicide by taking too many pills. This poster recreates fan made news paper articles.
The blue background calls to the fact that the character has pasted, for a more somber feeling. The pills and pill bottles are both the way she died and reminiscent of the high life that stars can often find themselves trapped in (why there are also resemblances of LSD tablets). Drop shadows were used on the text and the news paper to make they moth pop and add a
little more depth to the piece.
Electra passed away by committing suicide by taking too many pills. This poster recreates fan made news paper articles.
The blue background calls to the fact that the character has pasted, for a more somber feeling. The pills and pill bottles are both the way she died and reminiscent of the high life that stars can often find themselves trapped in (why there are also resemblances of LSD tablets). Drop shadows were used on the text and the news paper to make they moth pop and add a
little more depth to the piece.
Entrance Display


Bill Board